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Jane Fonda is a thing!

Laura Topper

by Dr Laura Topper

 OK its the 13th January and I fully identified EXERCISE as one of my to do habits for 2024. Week one I thought about it.  Week two I sent my self on a BIG guilt trip and yesterday after a full day of travelling and visiting my parents, I discovered that my father has a ‘step time’ watch and that he walks a minimum of 6000 steps a day and his goal is 10,000!! My dad is 86. 


As a 60 year young semi sedentary woman who claims to be active I am far removed from 6000 steps a day and yesterday I realised that my body is my responsibility and that by continuing to intentionally not exercise consistently I am not taking responsibility for my internal health and wellbeing. 



In the 90’s I was an aerobics teacher. I loved the music the outfits, the groove and the feeling that I achieved from dancing in a group and opening to the vitality of that natural high. Music has been a guiding force for my life and exercise to music well that was my dream team. 


Sooo last night I scoured online for the perfect class to motivate me out of my slump and into hi fidelity. 


Could it be...


Belly dancing? Definitely would awaken the Divine Feminine and Kundalini....


Wall pilates? Great for core strength…


Weights in the gym? Perfect for bone strength and balance…


And then she popped up on my feed…


Jane Fonda! 



As I viewed the video I was instantly transported to a feeling with in me of possibilities. Memorise came flooding back to me of my exercising back in the day. The music, dancewear and the knowing that I can take full responsibility for redesigning my health life, was ignited by the vision of Jayne then and now as a powerful woman with a powerful voice. That feeling was way beyond the big hair, lipstick and leg warmers. It was a feeling of connection one of power, seeing a group of people dancing  together working to one intention, to do the workout have fun and feel good.  This definitely woke me up and I declared to myself that I am going to change my fitness and immunity levels and to start working out with Jayne every day. 


Yesterday was day one and wow I felt the YES in my heart as I clunkily followed along with the fast paced routine, realising that my mental coordination muscle is also getting a shape up! I loved it and I am really excited for tomorrows workout, which might even be happening as you read this now! 


My reason for sharing this with you today is not to shame or guilt you into exercising, it's more of a recognition of the block that I have had for the past couple of years as a reminder to us all for what really matters. I live in the midst of the most amazing nature, right by the sea. Those sea view walks are vital for my soul and also when its wet raining and damp aaah! Im not always motivated to walk.  


What I know to be so about me and humans in general is that when we realise we are slumping in one area of life we have a direct invitation to view all areas of our world to see where we can lift / expand in our mental atmosphere to live into our best spirit soul human selves. And as it happens exercise has been knocking at my heart for a while now.


The weakest link


Yes your business is super important and your finances, relationships and creative projects are vital. You are working on expansive ideas and intentions for 2024, which as the Year of the Dragon commands a collective knowing of our worth and energetic relationships. 


Knowing thyself is the elemental foundation for living conscious living, and by self I mean the true Self that resides within everything and every being, as the Divine. The Divine knows the fullness of prosperity, vitality, health, wellbeing and joy and when we make a conscious decision to meditate, listen, accept, and implement it is astounding what can be transformed in our worlds. The choice to self care often includes voyaging through the messy, hidden, merkyness of life. It brings to the forefront the beliefs of limitation in areas that we can, and do, often chose to ignore and habitually brush under the carpet.


As I often write, fear has a sneeky way of keeping us small and limited and it can be easier seemingly to not say yes to what we truly desire. I have recently noticed myself making up stories relating to why it will be best for me to play and stay small because others might judge me as TOO MUCH!  #eeeekkkkkk. And I have speedily shifted this as it flags up!


The thing is that we are always at choice and for many of us who were bought up to believe that there is no other choice other than what we are told to believe, this can present as a deep opportunity to unlearn and plant new seeds that represent what we truly desire. Everything is choice, we are continually at choice, and this choice is an eternal grace as the very nature of this thing called life is fertile soil for new possibilities, in each and every moment. 




Ignoring the body

Ignoring the body of your life is a choice of disempowerment. I have been in that pattern for three years around exercise and I have ignored many signs along the way, with loved ones and family members struggling and with my father aiming for the walkathon olympics! I have witnessed the polarity of messaging coming at me and I recognise the self talk that has kept the story going for a while now.


I can't afford to go to the gym.

I don't like running

I feel awkward going to a class

I'm too busy

It's too cold

What will I wear………… 

The list is inexhaustible and inexcusable.


When I delve beneath the surface I know what my body is truly saying.


Laura its ok to be nearly 60 and to enter into this new phase of your life there is nothing to fear and you don't need to hold on any more be free and enjoy what this new phase has to offer and fly ...


Im certain that as I unpack this there are even deeper messages that want to burst through, and this is my journey now and I know full well that I am not defined by circumstance, I am empowered by it.


Slumping into ‘it doesn’t matter -- right now’


For me the choice to increase fitness is centred in health, vitality and immunity and these are my north star intentions for a life of strength, flexibility and power. So how is it that even as I have known this for so long I wasn’t fully invested in making the changes and doing something about it. 


What I realise as I write this is that Jayne Fonda has sparked a memory for me, one that feels good and one that real and filled with possibilities. I don’t feel threatened by her, I feel inspired by her and I know that her power goes way beyond the exercise mat. Maybe she is a role model? and possibly a reminder that as an 84 year young woman she chooses to live consciously, authentically, healthfully and that these are priorities.


Being with older loved ones, parents who are struggling with health decisions is a wake up call for any 60 year young women. When mortality becomes a hot topic and immortality a research arena, there is great opportunity to reevaluate the moment by moment, day by day ways that we choose to live.


We are here to learn many things:

  • to know thyself

  • to co create with the Divine, 

  • to BE the brightest light of consciousness and shine that out to life, 

  • to harmonise the Divine feminine and masculine, 

  • to live fully, compassionately and in service. 


...and in the sweep of the daily to do list these learnings can feel at times secondary. However as and when we say yes to placing the infinite, the invisible as priority we begin to see and feel our lives unfolded as the wholeness and perfection that we truly are. 


Living from the invisible INCLUDES  LISTENING to that still small voice and HONOURING what many times is smack bang in front of us, and taking quantum leaps to transformation.  


Exercise your power in the eternal now

Making intentions for 2024 is an exercise of inner transformation. Not only because of the covenant that you make with yourself to be the change, also because of what comes up to slow down the intention to transform. Be mindful i these next few weeks of where you may be blocking your success and standing in your own way and journal on your thought process and the beliefs that may no longer serve. 


Live in gratitude for all that is here now, all that isn't and all that you are drawing towards you. It may be wisdom, clarity, health, abundance, vitality, relationship oriented  or a mix of many aspects that you are shining light on. Your life is a master piece and you are the artist and as cliche as that may sound it is TRUE.  


I honour you and your yes to be the light for you and all that you reach and serve and I  hold the knowing of a YES for the greatest unfolding of your Dreams and Visions for 2024.


The Dream Big Portal 

Just before DIVINE CEO Magazine was birthed I wrote a little book called DREAM BIG EXPECT MIRACLES NOW and a Journal to accompany it. In the book I outline my spiritual practice process's that I have taught in many a one to one coaching session and personally fully harnessed in 2022 to move me from homelessness, heart broken and pennyless to home stability, healed and financial flow. I suppose that writing the book was a cathartic exercise that was calling to be shared and it allowed me to recognise the power of a yes.


When vision+intention+attention are aligned, miracles appear. Entering a new portal takes dedication to self and shattering the status quo takes devotion in the unseen. This I continue to teach and share with women in the Women of Power Circles and with you here in my newsletter.



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