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Hi I am Laura Topper
AKA rebel mystic  
Founder of Divine CEO - Spiritual Wayshower Entrepreneur - Philanthropist



2012 CHANGED MY WORLD. On a labyrinth walk I experienced a spontaneous cosmic quantum rebirthing. This multi dimensional NATURAL mystical awakening left me sidelined and obsessed with knowing more of the nature of reality and the Divine.


Following my heart and the obsession to understand this happening I delved into a deep line of research and inner inquiry that continues to unfold as I continue to study.


I became ordained as an independent new thought minister in 2023, received a doctorate in consciousness studies 2023 and I continue this journey researching towards a doctorate in transcendence studies.


I am guided and pulled by my inquiry into the Queendom of Heaven within and how this state impacts our lives and business flow. 


I have voyaged the inward journey for decades and I Am compelled to guide passion and purpose driven women to create, birth, and build their legacy sacred movements.


In 2019 my life was in total turmoil, another mega tower moment! that collapsed and brought down all that I knew to be 'real', pushed me with a huge force to turbo change my world. 


Homeless, hopeless, penniless and heartbroken I fell apart and I broke open. All that I had known to be foundational broke away and there I was on the brink of new beginnings.


2023 awakened me to a whole new way of being. Burned out, exhausted from presenting online and realising my deeply engrained people pleasing pattern, I drew a line in the sand and surrendered to the Divine. Over two months I visioned and opened myself to the new idea for my life when I heard a voice over and over 


do less be more keep it simple impact greatly

and bring this to 1 billion midlife women on the planet now!




Enter DIVINE CEO,  a beacon of light and empowerment for midlife women who know deep in their soul that they are born to lead and serve outrageously, seeking  to usher in a new paradigm for their lives using higher thought wisdom. The Women of Power Movement offers space for women be empowered to realise their genius as Divine beings, to courageously affirm their power and confidently embrace transformation for their lives. 


I'm here to remind you that you have the power to reinvent your life. To step back and look at your life post menopause, to intentionally lay yourself bare and remove the layers that no longer belong. It is here in this place where we can feel unprotected and vulnerable that we tap into the eternal fountain of JOY.



EXPECT MIRACLES NOW MOVERS & SHAKERS Women of Power MIRACLE MAKERS the world is waiting fo



Women of Power on the Verge of New Beginnings




wayshower mentoring


Why Laura as your Wayshower?

If you’re looking to quantum leap past the challenges and inner limitations of creating a soul aligned business or feel stuck in the life that you once thought you loved. I guide women who have a burning flame of desire to reveal the true nature of themselves and to BE this in their life and business. Women who are ready to dissolve the idea of hustle and hastle and are ready to build and bloom their businesses from the seed of 

doing less being more keeping it simple impacting immensely

How it works

After you purchase the 150 minute block of time with Dr Laura, you will get a invite to select a time option that works for you.


To prepare for the call you will need to have the following ready:


  • 3 objectives/goals for the call that you would like help with


Make sure you are in a quiet place with high-quality headphones and mic. Please make sure you are free of distractions. Following the call, you will get an audio recording of your conversation along with notes, relevant links to things referenced on the call and action items (as discussed).


This session will reveal what you need to move forward - NOT necessarily what you want. I am here as your compassionate guide and that may not always be with rainbows and flowers! The work is yours to do.

Ready for Wayshower

Laura consults one/two persons a month.

Click below to schedule your

Wayshower guidance

with Dr Laura


Media / Speaker Bio

Rev Dr Laura Topper's soul mission is to guide midlife women to thrive as leadHers of their lives, creating the soul aligned business of their dreams opening themselves to receiving Divine Wealth, vitality and deep inner peace.


Doing Less -  Being More - Keeping IT Simple - Impacting Greatly


Rev. Dr. Laura Topper


Continued second Doctorate education with Emerson Institute 2023 - ongoing

Independent Ordained New Thought Minister

Doctor of Consciousness

Spiritual Wayshower

Labyrinth Facilitator

MSc in Midlife Women's Exercise/ Health Behavior - dist/menopause


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