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of LeadHers emerging.
Join the growing edge of Divinely inspired women disrupting the status quo, creating legacy movements and speaking wealth into existence.  



I’m Dr Laura, I'm on a mission with Divine CEO Magazine to empower ONE billion midlife women on the journey to creating legacy wealth and a life and conscious business creation grounded in Divine JOY.

By 2030, there will be one billion midlife women on Mother Earth, which means YOU, my friend, are one in a billion!

Together we are a powerful and unstoppable force, and now is the time to embrace our greatness, harness our potential and channel our power for meaningful change.

If you are ready to disrupt the status quo and create your life and one woman business your way, stick around - your in the right place at the right time.


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Receive the tools, resources and knowledge to transform your life and skyrocket your one woman business.

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Create Your Magazine Queen Empire

Movement Maker Lab

One DAY VIP Consult

Image by C D-X
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The Divine CEO Show
with Dr Laura Topper

There's no greater power than a woman on a mission with a message for positive empowered change.


Meet Dr Laura, and be inspired by her contagious passion and humour as a guiding light to women ready to create and live from Divine wealth, as they birth and bloom their one woman digital businesses.  Disrupting the status quo is often challenging, and always necessary for empowered transformation. Post menopause is our greatest gift in the midst of this change.  


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